Let me introduce myself: I'm Eugenio Vignali

I am a management consultant, conflict mediator, trainer and coach

with a passion for bringing harmony into people's lives and work.

Improve the quality of relationships

among people is my mission


Tensions between people within an organization are mainly caused by individual differences such as personalities, ideas, values, needs, interests and goals, rather than simple disagreements about how to perform a task or about decisions to make. The lack of a constructive and collaborative discussion, also due to inadequate communication, leads these normal differences to turn into conflicts that hinder work activity and have negative repercussions on the entire organization.


My job consists in developing customized solutions to improve the quality of relationships and conflict management, based on the analysis of the client's needs and the specific situation within the organization. I help set up an internal conflict management system, efficient even if informal, and I provide specific training to develop a culture of collaborative relationships and to prevent and manage interpersonal conflicts. In addition, I act as a coach or business mediator if needed.


Dealing with differences between people in a collaborative and constructive way improves individual and company well-being and performance, consequently increasing the quality of the products or services offered. However, the costs associated with these conflicts, both direct and indirect, are often underestimated and can surprise business leaders. Improving the quality of relationships and reducing the amount of internal conflict therefore has a significant impact on the finances of the organization.New paragraph

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Conflict management within the organization contributes to social responsibility by addressing and resolving conflicts that may arise between the company and its employees and between employees themselves.

By proactively managing these situations, the company can maintain a healthy and collaborative internal climate, improve relations with all its stakeholders and ensure its positive impact on the community.

Effective conflict management can improve internal morale and employee engagement, as well as productivity and risk management.

The key: the Integrated Conflict Management System

An integrated conflict management system can help an organization manage conflicts more effectively, reduce their negative impact on the organization and promote a positive work environment

There are many benefits of adopting an integrated conflict management system, including: - it can improve communication between employees, reducing the likelihood of conflicts arising at the source; - it can help increase productivity and reduce negative impact of conflicts on the organization; - can help improve employee morale, by addressing conflicts in a timely and fair manner; - can reduce the likelihood of legal disputes and manage disputes cost-effectively; - can help improve quality of relationships between employees and between the organization and its stakeholders, by addressing conflicts fairly and transparently; - can reduce costs associated with conflicts, such as lost productivity, employee turnover and legal costs; - encourages a proactive approach to resolving conflicts, rather than waiting for them to escalate and become more difficult to resolve; - providing a fair and transparent process for conflict resolution, an integrated conflict resolution system can promote a culture of fairness and respect within the organization


Diventa una Conflict-Positive Orgnization

Il conflict-positive management

Conflict-positive does not mean stating that conflict is always positive, but having a constructive approach towards it that recognizes that there are conflicts that are dysfunctional for the organization and others that are functional for its performance and for the individual development of the protagonists.

With this vision was born an integrated model of organization and people management applicable in any type of reality called conflict-positive management.

The Conflict-Positive Organization certification

The certification protocol called Conflict-Positive Organization developed together with the Swiss certification body LHWC is in fact a scheme for analyzing the organization's culture and its organizational and people management practices with regard to internal relations within the organization and conflicts that may occur.

The advantages

The assessment according to the Conflict-Positive Organization certification protocol scheme makes it possible to identify organizational and people management interventions that can improve the internal climate and help prevent and manage conflicts in a collaborative and constructive way, with a long series of benefits for individuals and the organization.

The application of the standards defined therein also contributes to compliance with the corporate social responsibility of production organizations and responds to the statutory objectives of benefit organizations and companies.

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